Category Archives: Big Data

4 Big Data Essentials For Startups

Data-driven insights aren’t just for behemoth enterprises. Here’s what startups need to know before embarking on a big-data strategy.

Big-data products are generally targeted at large enterprises, and for good reason. They can be enormously expensive to initiate and operate, and therefore out of reach for the average startup or small business. Continue reading 4 Big Data Essentials For Startups

Moving Hadoop beyond batch processing and MapReduce !


Apache Tez framework opens the door to a new generation of high-performance, interactive, distributed data processing applications.

Data is the new currency of the modern world. Businesses that successfully maximize its value will have a decisive impact on their own value and on their customers’ success.  Hadoop offers data value at unprecedented scale and efficiency — in part thanks to Apache Tez and YARN. Apache YARN is that data operating system for Hadoop. The second prerequisite is an application-building framework and a common standard that developers can use to write data access applications that run on YARN.

Continue reading Moving Hadoop beyond batch processing and MapReduce !